I like where we are going. It is a long road but we have started. About two months ago I announced that we were going to . It is true, we have taken the step. There are notable improvements but also issues that we need to address.
Improvements achieved
We have never been more disciplined when it comes to documenting tasks. It is also true that we started from a base of practically not doing it, so it is easy to improve if you are new to the field. It is an important first step.
Documenting tasks has been the basis for singapore whatsapp number data planning tasks. Tasks are no longer created spontaneously, but are documented first and then priority is analyzed. This determines whether it ends up in the current sprint or is planned for one of the next ones. I have been the main culprit of generating noise by throwing topics through Slack to the team. Taking the focus away from tasks that were causing the problem. Since I was the problem in this case, it has been easier to find a solution.
Tackling “problems”, making decisions, planning, etc. in the form of short, pre-planned meetings. We now dedicate more specific topics to specific issues. We do it in a more organized way.
Pending improvements
We have Confluence to document she writes in english french and spanish processes, meetings, decisions and other matters relevant to our business. It doesn’t come 100% naturally yet. It’s something where I have to insist and push.
Also, not all team members create tasks thailand data proactively, but prefer that I give them instructions for doing so. This is something that shouldn’t be the case, but I also understand that everything takes time and nothing is perfect from the start.
On going faster
Another related point is decision-making. Here we often forget things that we have already decided in the past and we go over them again. Documenting decisions made in a transparent and searchable way, so to speak, is something we have to tackle in order to stop going over closed issues again.
It is not perfect, but it is getting much better. We must continue on the path we have started.
You could tell they were impatient. They had already had success with the company they had set up but they wanted to go even faster. In the end it is not one big thing that you do but the sum of small things.