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So to create a r irect for a domain

For example: On CentOS, R Hat and other RPM-bas systems – etc nginx conf.d . In Ubuntu, Debian and similar — etc nginx sites-enabl .  with a prefix (to one without ), create a separate server section and perform the r irect from there. Using Nginx. When r irecting from a regular URL to , use a different construction. Using Nginx (2). After that, check if the configuration is correct by entering the command nginx -t . If the check is successful, restart the file with the command service nginx restart.

Done! Using CMS plugins If you work

With the WordPress engine and don’t want to get into the code, use the extensions from the library. Popular plugins for setting up r irects are chinese canada R irection, Safe R irect Manager, Quick Page, Simple 301 R irects. Install any of the ones you like. We will describe further actions using the example of “All In One R irection”, but the path will be similar everywhere. Open the admin panel, go to the “Plugins” section, find, install and activate the desir one. After activation, go to the plugin settings.

special data

In the settings, check the box next

Non ” if you want to set up a r irect from ” ” to without ” “. Save the changes. Plugin. When r irecting to CMS OpenCart or Bitrix, you will also have to take advantage of them in your prompts configure the .htaccess file. Joomla has a built-in r irection tool: “Components” – “R irects”. Conclusion 301 r irect is an important tool for search engine optimization, as it allows you to transfer link weight from the old URL (donor) to the new one (acceptor) and avoid duplicates during indexing.

The prefix is ​​one of the most common

Reasons why specialists resort to bulk lead permanent r irect. If you still have not defin the main mirror for your site and have not glu the versions together, we recommend doing this as soon as possible. Otherwise, your positions in the search results will sag. With a configur r irect, this will not happen. We hope that our advice will help you make a competent r irect.

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