SMS Use for public authorities
SMS is the ideal channel for basic communication that public authorities need. This channel allows to satisfy a wide range of specific needs of institutions.
SMS Alert
Spread your information in real time, so you can act quickly in crisis situations, such as the fight against terrorism, managing health crises, natural disasters, roadworks or bad weather. SMS is a channel accessible to all. Thanks to its universality and 97% opening rate, it can be used to send important information or warn the population in the best possible way.
Corporate Communication
Keep the public informed about all events that concern the cultural, sporting and social life of your local authority, community or association. can help public authorities in several ways: appointment reminders , invoice reminders to reduce the number of unpaid invoices, action reminders to simplify
Notification by SMS
SMSNotification by allows you to remind citizens of important local events , such as the date of an election, or securely transmit documents to citizens’ verified phone numbers . SMS SMS also allows you to send documents by embedding a URL link within your website.
SMS Why use UGAP as your service provider?
By using the public purchasing center of UGAP, there is no need to call for tenders. This allows you to choose your SMS solution quickly, without an often lengthy tender procedure. But this considerable advantage is only one of the many reasons why UGAP is the ideal intermediary to secure the services of a partner courier like smsmode © .
The purchasing center provides you with a single commercial interlocutor for all your needs and offers you the possibility to order, pay and manage online all the products and services you need to manage your administration. UGAP will also handle any disputes and/or negotiations on your behalf , freeing up precious time for public buyers.
The UGAP public purchasing centre is a unique model that allows all public sector customers to purchase equipment :
- government departments (central and decentralized) and operators
- local authorities (regions, departments, cities, inter-municipalities, etc.), local public bodies, associations providing public services
- hospitals and medical-social facilities , as well as the main social organizations
SMS Take advantage of our professional service now
SMS How to benefit from a smsmode © and UGAP service ?
SMSYou can activate sending very easily via UGAP. smsmode Simply contact your advisor and request a quote with © as the supplier for your mailings. If you do not yet have a dedicated advisor or if you do not depend on the department in contact with L’UGAP, you can call the call center dedicated to UGAP customers (0 811 702 703).
SMS smsmodeOnce you have obtained the quote or purchased the package through UGAP, log in to your customer area on © and you can start sending orders immediately.
Create an account
Provide your administration with a “sovereign” and personalized messaging solution
What distinguishes UGAP from sms services other purchasing centers is its ability to act as a wholesaler , purchasing for resale.
This is typically the case with smsmode © which can provide you with a “white label” platform that you could make available to your communities or branches so that they can benefit from managing a messaging solution themselves .
UGAP (Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics) is the public purchasing service for all government administrations and operators . All public customers, whether ministries, local authorities or hospitals, can use UGAP to purchase IT products and services, as well as vehicles, services, furniture, medical equipment and general equipment.
A sales network of 800 employees in 25 cities covers the entire French territory.
The advantages of UGAP
A true lever for public policies, UGAP offers administrations an effective purchasing sms one of the channels with the best roi solution that allows them to benefit from competitive offers.
Exempts public purchasers from tender and competition procedures .
The purchasing center uk data supports public services in the adoption of innovative solutions and is engaged in a voluntary CSR policy that has an impact on its members. On the supplier side, it facilitates access to public procurement, especially for SMEs.