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Ransomware – the new big security threat

What happens if I don’t pay?
If you refuse to pay, you can be quite sure that you will not see your data again.

Often the hackers receive a ransom and fail to send the code to unlock the data. Instead, they demand even more money from the victim.

The best thing you can


do is either go to an IT expert or format your computer. If you have important files belgium phone number data on your computer without having a backup, then an expert is probably the only way out.

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Often the data can be extracted from the hard drive by a specialist.

How to protect against ransomware attacks?
Most ransomware attacks take place through so-called fake emails, where a fraudster pretends to be, for example, Skat, Danske Bank, Nets or a rich uncle.

When you receive such emails, they must be deleted without opening them.

Do you receive emails from Tax, the bank, E-box etc. you can be sure that they will never ask you to install anything or provide a code.

If you are in doubt, contact the bank (not via the contact information in the email!) and ask if they have sent the email.

Antivirus programs

In addition to using your common sense, I would recommend installing an antivirus program that can catch these ransomware attacks.

It is generally a good idea to have an antivirus program installed, as common sense is not always enough.

There are many different antivirus programs that how to check if your online delivery business website Is mobile-friendly can help you with the preventive, but you should find a program that specifically protects against malware.

That program should include a spam filter, a filter to check websites for viruses and

Protect your files with backup
Some ransomware attacks try to blackmail you into paying powder data money in exchange for not deleting vital data from your computer.

It could be, for example, all your photos, your thesis you are working on or other important documents.

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