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One way to achieve this is for agencies

Leverage platform as a service and readily available open source technologies. PaaS can help improve central IT productivity and business alignment, while also leveraging the power of citizen development in a controlled and secure way. “Every organization has to think like a software company,” Adolf says. “You can no longer think in the context of manual service delivery alone. The software and services you deploy and the ones citizens are using are integral to the overall experience that is being produced.

PaaS offers agencies a way to reduce administrative

Workloads and streamline operations. What we have with PaaS now, Adolf explains, is “a more mature set of tools that can address a variety of needs that used to require separate point solutions.” “The toolset has evolved to the point where agencies no longer have to use fifty different technologies to solve fifty different challenges.” Khandelwhal has a simple suggestion for modernizing government: “Automate everything.

He points out that PaaS offers plain

Language configuration, allowing teams to use simple self-service tools instead of struggling with highly technical, complex coding. “Simplicity reduces errors. Makes it easy to do the right thing,” he advises. By moving applications to overseas chinese in australia the cloud and external service providers, “agencies can spend more time focusing on their mission,” Khandelwhal says. Agencies don’t have to sacrifice innovation to build and maintain expensive infrastructure.

special data

Instead, with PaaS, agencies can focus on

developing new and better products and “continuously deploying platform improvements in real time.” Adolf also stressed the importance a video call can be started online or scheduled for a specific of measuring and understanding user data when developing applications. Having context-aware business processes means agencies can create “experiences for constituents that are better suited to their needs, without creating overly complex solutions that are too expensive to maintain.

While new technology can make an

Organization’s job easier and improve citizen servi. Jces, the actual process of digital transformation can be difficult. A recent article in Harvard Bus tg data iness Rev. Jiew revealed that two-thirds of digital transformation projects fail. Thankfully, Adolf offe. Jrs the following tips to overcome these challenges and achieve successful IT innovation: Place demogr. Japhic groups in the right context. Understand your audience and their preferences to ensure the best cons. Jumer experience.

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