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In my city, there is something

In my city, there is something called the Ramona Pageant. It is a play that celebrates the history of the region and was an event the community once rallied behind. Generations of families were in the play as volunteers, there were parades and banners in the town promoting it, restaurants and local businesses posted fliers, and the Chamber of Commerce used it to promote tourism and investment. Even though the play still happens every year, that sense of community is gone.

An event that once represented community

A program that is being held together by a handful of people. Why are people are drawn more and more away from the local community? We used to shop on Main Street, now we shop online. Neighborhood watch groups and phone trees have been replaced by apps like NextDoor and Ring. Families used to gravitate towards Parent.

Teacher Associations social clubs,

They have been displaced by Soccer Moms who are chauffeurs to their kids. Life has changed and yet we still ask why more people aren’t overseas chinese in worldwide data engaged in their communities. Perhaps the way to draw people into the community is through technology, the same distraction that is drawing them away. It’s time for cities, counties, and states to revisit the art of storytelling.

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Concepts like storytelling connect

People to places and groups along with a competitor analysis for keyword narrative that reintroduces a sense of place. Hundreds of communities such as Greenville, South Carolina and Eugene, Oregon embrace the concept of story maps to draw people back to the downtown. The simple addition of story maps reintroduces the art of storytelling and community building. Visit your own local government’s website and applications, do you get a sense of community, or do you get a list of departments and an opportunity to report a complaint?

The closest you will get to community

An overview of the city’s history and general facts. As a rich data citizen, does that draw you in? A successful website is one that is visited often, is this how you would describe yours? Community stories have become a lost art, but not a lost cause. There are four simple elements of storytelling that can grow your reputation as a destination, strengthen your identity, and improve sense of community.

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