In fact, DoD has already start to adopt the same big data techniques us by businesses to mine databases and glean more information from different types of data. Humans can analyze some of this information, but there’s more to be min from the thousands of gigabytes being continuously generat. Computer analysis can handle mundane tasks, freeing personnel to do tasks that better fit their talents.
As staffs train to be better data analysts or
leaders ne to make sure they’re helping equip their staffs to monitor and understand inputs while computer analysis does the work of highlighting potential areas of interest. Collaboration with Industry The DoD’s mission is to provide U.S. security with up-to-date technology and industry innovation.
Logically, leaders across the department
Should consider close collaboration with their private-industry counterparts. Gardner prais the FY2016 National Defense Authorization overseas chinese in uk data Act for giving DoD authority to bring private-sector experts directly into the department. That’s a good start,” he said. “The challenge for DoD is executing closer collaboration with the private sector.
It is not easy, but as Secretary
Mattis and his team face the challenges of a very uncertain world, they will ne to evolve decision-making processes bas more on digital products than associated with automotive transactions are the output of industrial systems. The private sector can help with that.” While the role of private-sector collaboration with the DoD is complicat, particularly when it comes to acquisition rules, there are still many ways that leadership can work with industry.
Again, listening plays a key role,
but effective Defense leaders also find ways to bring their private-sector counterparts to the table and engage them in fruitful discussions. “The DoD nes to have more discussions with industry, Gardner said. “Government leaders are often hesitant to talk rich data to industry on specific details, while industry leaders can be afraid to open up for fear of abetting their competitors. But we ne to have real substantive discussions between industry and government if we are to effectively grow our Defense capabilities.”