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On Speed ​​and Security: How SpectrumData Helps Speed ​​Up Processes in Transport Companies

Speed ​​is important for everyone involved in freight transportation, isn’t it? But the speed of the transportation business is not only the transit of freight transport from point “A” to point “B”. It is also the speed of decision-making, the speed of data processing, the speed of interaction with employees and clients.

The second important thing for transport workers is safety (remember, you need to drive with a seat belt at any speed!). The same is true in business. Not knowing anything about counterparties, customers or contractors is the same as decision maker email list driving without a seat belt – sooner or later you will get into an unpleasant situation, the consequences of which for the business can be irreparable.

The SpectrumData online platform uses data to help develop business at high SpectrumData Helps and as safely as possible. We will tell you in more detail how this happens when it comes to a transport company.

Why does a transport company need checks?

Logistics is one of the areas in which each process involves many elements of interaction and participants from different sides: vehicles, cargo and drivers, contractors, lessors, warehouses and their personnel, recipients and senders. Security officers of transport companies often have to keep quite a lot of components under control. Mandatory checks in logistics include checks before expanding the vehicle fleet and the driver staff. No transport company will hire a driver who is wanted or buy a vehicle with a rolled back mileage.


Interaction with contractors adds special concerns to the security service of a transport company. The fact is that a company does not always SpectrumData Helps deliver cargo on its own. Often, when accepting an order in another region or not being able to fulfill it on its own due to the workload of its vehicle fleet, a transport company turns to contractors.

What exactly does a transport company need to check?

  1. Check your drivers and other employees for reliability before hiring them – enforcement proceedings, fines, work experience and more than 30 other types of data on individuals,
  2. Identify drivers and vehicles before receiving cargo at the warehouse (check passport data and driver’s license data, determine the vehicle’s ownership by the counterparty organization),
  3. Check legal entities – contractors, customers, recipients of cargo, to avoid financial and reputational risks and identify fraudsters,
  4. Receive information about individuals: directors and founders of contractor companies, and also assess the reliability of the counterparty’s drivers before starting cooperation,
  5. Find out details about the status of the counterparty’s vehicle fleet: fines, accidents, technical characteristics of vehicles (in particular, it is important for transport companies to obtain data on the load capacity of vehicles to ensure that it corresponds to that declared by the contractor), and also check the legal purity of vehicles – whether they have been stolen,
  6. Receive information about the future of marketing on telegram: trends to watch fines (by vehicle registration number or driver’s license) for prompt payment and transfer of information about fines to the accounting department, as well as to track their payment status.


Where to get information?

Open information on the Internet on most components of the process can be easily found on the official Internet resources of the departments. For example, on the FSSP website you can check for open enforcement proceedings against a contractor company, and on the GAI website – for fines for a car or driver. However, when it comes to large SpectrumData Helps volumes, checking all the data (and in different sources) becomes extremely difficult. If tasks arise daily to collect and analyze data from dozens of companies, people and cars, such “manual” checks stretch out in time and can take several hours for each check, which seriously slows down all business processes in the company. And here modern technologies come to the aid of transport companies – automation, big data and wide integration capabilities.

What are the benefits of using SpectrumData checks for a transport company?

– Simplify data acquisition  –  check all components in one interface

There is no longer a need to switch between services and check all participants in the transportation business processes separately. Using the SpectrumData platform, you can check not only vehicles, but also drivers, cargo usa data recipients and senders, counterparties, partners or contractors. The data is provided in a format convenient for you – through your personal account, in the download format or quickly integrated into the used automated information systems thanks to the SpectrumData API.

– Risk reduction

Unreliable contractors, drivers, fraudsters (of whom, unfortunately, there are many in the cargo transportation sector) are a direct SpectrumData Helps danger to cargo, vehicles and the financial risks associated with it. Fewer risks mean fewer costs, less time for inspection – vehicles are sent on a trip faster, and the customer receives the cargo faster. In addition, companies save money by paying fines on time and avoiding delays and penalties.

– Making meaningful decisions based on Big Data

You can make decisions with a crystal ball You can do it at random. You can do it based on experience. But ignoring accurate data and not seeing the whole picture is a direct path to financial bankruptcy. The SpectrumData platform helps businesses make decisions based on information – for example, adding used cars to their fleet, expanding and hiring new drivers, or choosing a reliable contractor.

Using SpectrumData in Logistics: Application Experience

Our clients include dozens of Russian transport companies – from small logistics companies with a small staff to large players in the transport business with SpectrumData Helps a fleet of over 1,500 trucks. In each case, the use case for the online platform is different – ​​some check only drivers, while others use all data sources.

What representatives of companies from the transport and logistics sector who use SpectrumData say:

Armed with data, protect your business from losses: check cars and candidates, avoid fraudsters and unreliable counterparties! You can use SpectrumData Helps solutions for transport companies and test the capabilities of the online platform by filling out the application form at the bottom of the page. For our clients, we provide the opportunity to collect the required type of report based on the needs of the company, and connect the receipt of data in any convenient format.

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