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The Sferum educational platform have four dedicated roles

You can go to the electronic diary directly from the Sferum application Teachers can not only give grades, but also give out virtual rewards: this should help motivate students. Such a bonus can be given for completing additional tasks, for example, for volunteer work or unscheduled cleaning of the classroom.

Roles on the platform Participants of teacher

Student, parent and administrator. Administrator This is a saudi arabia phone number library school representative who sets the structure of the educational organization in Sferum – creates chats by classes, invites teachers and students to them, publishes news and official materials. The administrator can be the school principal or another designated employee.

One of the important functions of the administrator

phone number library

The status of teachers. The administrator also ensures that outsiders do not enter the school communities. Teacher He joins the groups of the classes he leveraging existing authority: teaches. At the same time, the teacher can create new school chats or channels, invite participants to them, publish news, educational materials and a schedule, organize meetings. Teachers have access to all Spherum options, and there is even a unique functionality that only teachers can use.

Only teachers can create channels

A collaborative whiteboard, or issue virtual awards. With buy lead this functionality, teachers can solve basic educational tasks: Create a schedule and manage your work schedule. Receive homework assignments, check them and comment online. Conduct distance learning or parent-teacher meetings. In Spherum, the teacher has unique options that are not available in other roles.

Student The student joins

The groups of his school and class via the link received from the teacher. The student can participate in video meetings, download useful materials and follow the schedule. By agreement — send homework to the teacher or ask questions. Students can communicate with each other in personal chats, but only within the class or school. Spherum participants from other educational institutions are not available to them.

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