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Even people who are not us

The problem with these AI-power dialogue systems is that, for content that is mium-length or where we would have to do prior research to be sure of what we are saying, they will allow us to have AI as part of our work. The very system that forces us to dialogue and gradually refine what we were looking for slows down the obtaining of results.

Prompt Engineering:

What this system does is that we develop prior work through which we create the appropriate questions so that the AI ​​will always give us a valid answer (without having to dialogue with them, with just one question and just one answer).

Prompt engineering is a methodology through which

We learn to create those prompts that give the answers we are looking for. It is a process that will take us time and learning, but once finish it will leave us instagram data with a series of questions which will make the AI ​​respond directly to what we want and we will not have to refine it.


special data


The advantages of having these prompts are not

only that when we use them we will work much faster, but that we can scale the way we work towards people in our own company who do not yet have how to install play store on a huawei? the AI ​​skills to do this work, or who are unaware of part of our methodology or internal knowlge to reach the same type of answers that someone more senior would reach.

In this way, we turn AI into a transmitter of

Knowlge and good practices. All we have to do is generate prompts and make those prompts available for different people in the same company to use. We thus turn AI into a transmitter of knowlge and good practices. All we have to do is generate  prompts and tg data make them available to the different people in the same company.

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