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A little more to find the right term , right?

If you decide to increase the pace of your Campaigns abruptly and without prior study, you run the risk of your contacts feeling stunned and deciding to unsubscribe.

If you do the opposite, the danger would be that they lose interest and this bond that is so hard to establish would cool down a lot. You see that it is worth working

Another of the big ghosts that every marketer has to deal with is anti-spam filters . If you maintain a stable and constant sending frequency over time , you won’t have to worry.

But with a series of spasmodic sendings, the filters could be activated and then your Campaigns would run the risk of not reaching your Subscribers’ Inbox. So if you decide to change the frequency, make sure to always do it gradually .

Now that you know how important it is to find the ideal rhythm for your updated 2024 mobile phone number data   shipments, it’s time to learn all the secrets to do it in the best way . Go ahead!

Step by step to find the ideal rhythm

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#1 Carefully segment your database
The first factor you need to take into account when deciding on the ideal number of emails is that your campaigns must always be of quality . Otherwise, it will take very little time for your subscribers to abandon your content; even more so if they increase their frequency.

So, a tip, which is more of a rule for Email Marketing than a tip, is to segment your Contact Lists so you don’t always send the same material to the same people.

Surely, among your Subscribers there will be some who have just met you and you want to tell them more about your brand; others who have just purchased and you can offer them complementary products; and others who are doing research before taking the big step and will value information about it .

Take advantage of all the information you can obtain from your clients or leads and ws data  segment your Subscriber Base to always reach them at the ideal time, with the right content .

In this sense, the question is: how many monthly  how much time do you have in your business to think Campaigns could you send, providing quality content for each of your contacts? This is the limit above which you should never be .

Wait! Do you need tactics to grow your

Database with qualified Subscribers? Join the free online training that Ignacio Crespo, Partners & Integrations Manager at Doppler, will provide for Classonlive on July 26. Check the schedule in your country .

Webinar: How to Attract Subscribers to Your Database

#2 Make gradual changes and evaluate your results
You already have an idea of ​​where to start. Now, how do you proceed? If you think your potential content allows you to send a few more Campaigns, you can test it gradually .

Generally, a flat is usually a monthly delivery. So, if you want to increase this frequency you can move to one every 15 days and study the results.

What metrics should you take into account? Open Rate, CTR (Click Through Rate) and, of course, unsubscribes .

Sometimes it happens that when the number of emails increases, the Open Rate decreases. In these cases, there is no need to despair, but rather evaluate what is happening with the other variables . Perhaps the CTR has increased, the number of unsubscribes has remained the same, and the ROI of the Campaigns has increased.


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