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B2B marketing and sales: 4 good practices learned during the health crisis

In the exceptional crisis we are going through and the confinement it has imposed on us for several weeks now, we are learning to adapt, both in our personal lives and in our business. While it is sometimes difficult to find immediate answers to the questions raised by this imposed break, it can be constructive to start taking stock of the B2B marketing and sales side , with a view to deconfinement and the long-awaited “recovery”. The objective: to update the best practices that this break has been able to highlight. At Phone Partners , as experts in telemarketing and remote customer relationship management , this crisis has reinforced the best practices and values ​​in which we have always believed… Here is our assessment of the best practices confirmed by the health crisis.

Best practice 1: develop remote Business Relationship Management


As the lockdown with the updated 2024 mobile phone number data limitation of travel and the development of teleworking shows us, remote sales prospecting is a practice that has a bright future ahead of it. It has been the heart of our business for years and we are convinced that it can only be effective, particularly at the moment, if it is humanized. This is obvious to us and it is at the heart of our concerns throughout the year: the human is the center of a remote commercial relationship.

Indeed, each customer or prospect today needs a personalized business relationship on all levels. Today, this idea makes perfect sense: we have never been so far from each other on a daily basis, and yet, tremendous surges of human solidarity and rapprochement are emerging.

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Humans are at the heart of the commercial relationship that we offer, whether in terms of prospecting or loyalty . By developing a strategy adapted to your brand but above all a contextualized message, we ensure that you take charge of this customer relationship management effectively. By telephone of course, because it has always been our business, but also on the digital level, by developing the multichannel strategy best suited to you and your customers.

Good practice 2: build loyalty as much as prospect

If there is one topic that is important to new spectrumdata features: report branding service work on during the health crisis, it is the consolidation of the relationship with your current customers . Indeed, if it is more difficult to work on customer prospecting in these uncertain times that can lead to a wait-and-see attitude among many companies, strengthening existing customer relationships is important.

This is a subject that has always fascinated us: nurturing customer relationships in order to build customer loyalty. In this particular period, it is important to develop a constructive dialogue with your customers. Our goal for your company: to build a long-term relationship with your customers and provide listening and empathy while building tomorrow. Just as this crisis can highlight on a personal level the importance of strong relationships in our lives, it can also highlight the importance of trust and humanity in business relationships.

Good practice 3: adapt to the context

Here is another good practice that this clean emai crisis has highlighted: the ability to adapt to new circumstances . Every day brings its share of surprises and new things, which develops our responsiveness and creativity. On a purely commercial level, you will have understood the importance of adapting your communication and your speech. Indeed, it is impossible to act as if nothing new had happened, and to continue on old bases. All this requires significant adaptability and flexibility.

In addition to developing practices such as multichannel remote business relationship management (mailing, social networks, Chatbot, web conferencing), it is essential to work on your message in these particular times. This is also where our expertise comes into play: we create with you the most suitable speech for your company but also for each customer, depending on the media used. With this crisis, it is important to understand that the rules of the game can change overnight and to participate in this game.

Best practice 4: take the time

Thanks to this break, we have surely learned to think differently, to develop customer relationships in an innovative way. Perhaps you have taken the time to get to know certain customers or prospects better by working on your database in order to enrich it  ? Perhaps you have decided to create content specific to this particular moment to share your expertise? This break teaches us that we can take the time to sit down, to gain perspective and develop certain business relationships. This allows us to reinvent ourselves, to discover that it is possible to work differently: we are forced to stay at a distance but have never been so close.

These practices are our specialty at Phone Partners , those in which we have always firmly believed, since our expertise is to manage a remote commercial relationship, with all the steps that this involves (prospecting, loyalty, data qualification, satisfaction studies ).

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