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How is telemarketing positioned in a Phygital world?

The health crisis we are going through has a lasting impact on consumers’ lifestyles. They want to consume locally and have the opportunity to telemarketing positioned do so by limiting contact. Everyone is looking for personalized and humanized advice, but the pandemic is forcing us to keep our distance. The means of communication have changed, and this is also the case in BtoB marketing . Phygitalization, which combines the physical experience of a point of sale and a digital experience, is booming. But how are telemarketing and digital marketing positioned in this new experience?

PHYGITAL, a redefined customer experience

Phygital is a term that appeared accurate mobile phone number list in 2013 that mixes the concepts of “physical” and “digital”. It refers to a marketing strategy based on the digitalization of a physical point of sale. A phygital business is a physical point of sale that integrates data and methods from the digital world with a view to developing its turnover. Phygital puts innovative tools and cutting-edge technologies within the reach of the general public. It improves the marketing experience at a physical point of sale.

Phygital was booming before the health crisis we are going through, but new consumer habits have boosted this hybrid strategy. With phygital, offline and online are no longer opposed, but work together on the same customer journey. As you will have understood, it is no longer a question of multichannel but of omnichannel .

Phygital marketing vs digital marketing

Phygital marketing is a mix of physical marketing and digital marketing. Indeed, it offers a more powerful customer experience than purely digital marketing. Digital marketing integrates into the physical customer experience in a natural way.

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Indeed, phygital marketing aims to simplify the act of purchasing by facilitating the customer journey and giving them the right information: QR codes, discount vouchers, algorithms offering the most suitable products, competitions, but also interactive screens, etc. Phygital marketing subtly mixes the best multichannel marketing strategies to focus on the customer experience. Thus, campaigns can be based on online advertising, emails, social networks, or QR codes, etc.

Inbound marketing takes five digital marketing trends that will be relevant in 2024 on its full importance in the phygital world, which places the interests of the consumer at the heart of its strategy. Phygital marketing simply allows us to put humans back at the heart of the purchasing relationship, while taking advantage of the aspects of digital. Thus, digital marketing is simply essential to the phygital world. Telemarketing is also a formidable tool for phygital marketing since it places humans at the heart of the experience, while fitting perfectly into a personalized customer experience.

 How to phygitalize your BtoB marketing?

In today’s world, putting people clean emai back at the heart of your digital strategy can only be beneficial. Consumers are looking for new value propositions mainly based on listening and trust. To meet this demand, prospecting must adapt and put people back at the center.

Many channels offer interesting communication methods ( social selling , mailing, SMS, phoning , etc.) but phygital BtoB will allow you to mix an authentic and human approach with an innovative digital campaign that facilitates taking action.

Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners  supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relationship Managers in the management of remote commercial relationships, by integrating all these specificities into its solutions. Being attentive to these new demands and the trends of tomorrow, we create innovative and personalized BtoB experiences.

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