I am about to make the last payment to the lawyer to complete the 20,000 euros that the commission plus the late payment interest add up to. In the end I lost the trial. Or rather, I started the payments when I already knew that the judge was not going to surprise me with a favorable ruling.
This month I also had to fire a person from the team. After a year I had not managed to align our goals and the best solution for both of us was a new start but in another place. It is a shame but it was the most logical decision that in the long run will be the best option. Also for the person who had to leave.
This year I have to take another step
I am going to close three companies. An SL in Spain and two GmbHs in Germany. It seems that I have started collecting companies. Behind each one of them there was a goal and a purpose. With the closure I also say goodbye to that.
The three events mean a small defeat for me. They email data are steps backwards. They symbolize a wrong path on the journey towards setting up a sustainable e-commerce company for me and the team. I have had to back off in order to go forward with more strength.
In the end, my way of seeing it as the weeks go by is this
To go faster you have to take weight off. It’s like how to write a powerful message when you want to run a marathon. Every extra kilo of weight will cost you 2-3 seconds per kilometer in a marathon. When you have a company, it’s the same:
Costs that don’t generate the necessary benefit
Issues that take up mental bandwidth that you need for what’s really important.
Time invested in matters that don’t add meters to the destination.
And the issue is this. People in my immediate circle thailand data sometimes tell me something like “you are very disciplined” and I tell you that it is not that. In fact. I would even say that I am a rather lazy person when it comes to many things. When it comes to things that do not motivate me, without going any further.
Discipline is for those who do things that they do not really want to do. Those who do not have it say that they lack motivation. They are not disciplined because they lack motivation. But once again they are wrong. It is not that either.